01 November 2011


Niatnya sih pengen mandiri, atau dibilang bukan cewe manja. Atau kegedean gengsi. Ya entahlah.
Pulang malem barusan, arief abis futsal kasian kan kalo minta jemput dia. Ya cuma diucapin "hati-hati dijalan"
Di tawarin di jemput mama, malah bilang gausah lah masih jam 8 ini. Sebenernya pengen dijemput, tapi males nge-iyain. Gengsi. Akhirnya hanya ada cap "hati-hati dijalan" Hahahaha
Di tawarin dijemput sama ferry, kasian gila dari unpar-cijerah-batununggal, lagipula lagipula dia bukan siapa-siapa, apa hak aku dijemput jemput sama doi. Lagi lagi gengsi. Dan lagi lagi kata kata "hati-hati dijalan" terucap untuk yang kesekian kalinya hari ini.
Nah ini yang ga pake gengsi, minta jemput ke kaka, tapi malah dianya udah dirumah males keluar lagi katanya. Bagus ya. Ya pada akhirnya, saya sebagai wanita pulang sendirian naik angkot. Semua ini gara-gara gengsi. Lain kali gengsinya gedein lagi aja terus, lama lama pulang jalan kaki saking ga mau bikin orang lain repot. Hahahhaah

29 October 2011


Foto pra-wedding. Semoga beberapa taun lagi aku tetep bersanding di sebelahnya. Bersanding di pelaminan. Hahahaha. Amiiiiin

06 June 2011

This is not the love you take,
but the love you give.

02 June 2011

Sometimes you play the game even when you know that you will lose...
No matter what happens, you still fight for the game. Because there are not only the result that satisfied us, but also the efforts we did.
Honestly I want to move on, but I didn't know where do I go? All I know the right place for me is beside you. I have lend you my heart, err no! I gave you my heart, I don't want it back I just want to take care of it with you.
Someday, I will be brave to say what's on my mind.
Someday, I will let you know everything I did when you were away like this.

This is the only remaining things of him..
He said those sweet words, he was rarely talked that sweet.
And only those 3 messages from him, makes me fell in love.
Yes that's all I'm in love with Adiguna.

06 May 2011


Forget her birthday. (Deadly mistake)
Forget your anniversary.
Spend more time with your buddy instead of spending time with her.
Bring her out with your buddies and ignoring her.
Choosing work over her. (Balance is the key here)
Multitasking when talking to her over the phone.
Want to hang up the phone after just 1 minute of conversation.
Took half an hour to reply her text messages.
Talk bad about her family members.
Lack of hygiene etiquette.
Ogle at other girls.
Text messages in your phone from other girls are more than hers.
Any contact with your ex.
Compare her with other girls. (Deadly mistake)
Lack of ambition in life.
Fail to give her a sense of security.
Not romantic at all.
Breaking promises.
Doesn’t pay attention to what she says.
Never call back when you promised her.
(Source: healthmoneysuccess.com, via spreadsomelove)

05 April 2011

I miss you.
I miss us.

BARBIE real!

05 March 2011

I'm looking for someone who's looking at me like my father looked at my mother :">

22 January 2011

I'm not saying that I'm in love.......
I just said that lately, you're all I think about.
That's it.

Between our laughs, long talks, stupid fights and jokes. I fell in love ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

12 January 2011

You and Me is more than friends less than lovers

This is not just a crush, what I feel is more than a jumpy feeling when I receive a text from you... It's more than hearing your name and my heart suddenly skip a beat. I want you to know that you're someone special. Someone that I don't want to lose. Someone who makes me look forward to everyday... It is you...
Where did you find the key to unlock my heart? I locked it empty before.... But now, you stay there...